Watermelon Blacktail Mountain Seeds | Northern Seeds - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.
Watermelon Blacktail Mountain Seeds | Northern Seeds - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Watermelon Blacktail Mountain Seeds | Northern Seeds

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It’s best to seed watermelon indoors up to one month before transplanting outdoors (late April in the Outaouais – no sooner!). Plant one or two seeds per cell or pot, ½” – 1” deep. Keep soil moist and warm. Transplant when weather forecast is frost-free and warm. Transplant 1-2’ apart in rows 6’ apart. Cut any extra seedlings with scissors and be careful to handle the roots as little as p

Mild and sweet, this pre-1900 heirloom is still widely grown today. The roots are nearly round and, like the name suggests, white below ground and purple above. Don’t forget to eat the greens, two vegetables in one.

+/- 1500 Seeds

Certified organic by Quebec Vrai

Growing recommendations

Direct seed 15+ per foot at 1/2" depth in rows 15’’ apart. Thin to one plant every 2”. Turnips are frost tolerant and can be seeded in succession until late summer.


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